The D1 Drivers Are First™ programs are exclusively for motor carrier companies who are ready to create an advantage over their competition.

The principles we employ while supporting companies in the areas of profitability and growth, staff recruiting and retention, operations and corporate risk reduction drive the foundation for our newest program – a training and certification that helps key personnel of motor carrier companies put our concepts into practice resulting into an executed recruiting and retention system that not only works but lasts.

D1 core focus for individual growth and organizational excellence includes the following:

  • Culture
  • Driver Treatment
  • Leadership
  • Staff Cooperation
  • CEO Participation
  • Customer Behaviors
  • Recruiter Training/Retraining
  • Driver Recruiting
  • Attracting Candidates
  • Interviews
  • Screening
  • Compensation
  • Incentives
  • Orientation
  • Driver Training
  • Early Warning System
  • Metrics
  • Technology
  • Safety
  • Compliance
  • Profitability
  • Sustainability

This certification (promoted through appropriate channels) will be recognized by shipper customers, brokers and associations industry wide.

A seal that can be added to the back of a trailer, on marketing materials, or be a box checked on an RFP will give these companies a significant advantage by communicating to the industry at large your commitment to excellence.

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